6 Slides total
Tell us about yourself in the Presentation
Slide 1 needs
- Name and Surname
- Town name
- Background image
Slide 2 needs
- Adress
- Background Colour
Slide 3 needs
- Background image
- Bulleted list what what you like (eg. icecream, cats etc)
Slide 4 needs
- Texture fill background
- Image top right of what you like
- Some text with name of thing that you like and why
Slide 5 needs
- How many brothers / sisters
- Pattern Fill background
Slide 6 needs
- Thank you text
- Example
- Animation 1 – “Thanks for your time”
- Animation 2 – “Enjoy the day”
- Animation 3 – “Your name”
- Animate the text. This means:
- Seperate textbox for each animation
- Seperate timings for each animation.